lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

My best redaction!

11, Liverpool Street.......................................................11, Liverpool Street
17897 Madrid.................................................................................................17486 Manchester
SPAIN....................................................................................................................... SPAIN

26th March.......................................................................................................26 th March 2010

Dear Marta,

As you know my results this term were down and I think that one of the problems was that you and me went out a lot.

Now I will start the third term and I want to have good results to pass batxillerat and selectivitat. For this reason I propose you that we can go out but not a lot.

If you want you can go out alone but I will go out in Saturdays nights.

I hope that you can understand me because these results will be my future and I want to have a good future.

My best wishes,
Kate Kidman

P.S: I have a present for you that I bought in my trip to London.

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